Sunday, November 9, 2008

Driving School

I started my 9 week Driving course. Its with AA & I get to drive these Yellow Kia Cars. I did my first lesson Yesterday & will take me 8 more weeks.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Free Medical Camps

Since i been in Lagos, I been on 3 Medical Camps. They are lots of hard work but tons of fun to help out with. Here are some Pictures of them.

Party in Lagos

4 of us got invited to a show that involed tons of famous musicians, Sengal, UK, Nigeria, France & the USA. I Don't really know the names of them all but they had this big Jam till the wee hours of the Night. We left at 2am but they were just getting started. All i know they were here just for Jaming & were to do some sort of Charity Show but don't know if it got started off well. But all in all it was Fun & got to hear some Nigerian Artist Singing & playing their Hearts Out.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life in Lagos

I Been living in Lagos Nigeria for the past 4 months. Before that i was in London, UK. This Blog will be about my missionary life, Past Life in the UK etc.

4 Months in Lagos needs celabrating. Its a City few Like or Want to live in. I see it different. If u block out all of the Dirt, Traffic & things that make this City none like-a-able, you see 15million people like you & Me trying to make a living & how they live, makes u wonder.
I see people that are Rich, Poor, Middle Class & they live in the same City. Lagos is like New York, & Big Cities around the world but just has a bad name Internationally due to Some 419 People.
So As i post things about this City & Trips around Nigeria, I want to post things that u don't see or hear in the News( International News that is)
People are Sweet & very positive in the conditions they they live & work in, makes me want to count my Blessings.